v2.14 10/28/94: Fixed bug that would delete source file if destination disk was full in some instances. v2.13 08/13/94: Should finally fix problems with FA*.TXT. Minor cosmetic change. Identifier for first file in file list is now dashes in positions 26 and 29, instead of comma in positon 18. v2.12 07/24/94 Fixed problems related to FA*.TXT. v2.11 07/17/94 SF-FAM now checks for the trailing backslash in the download path. Blank line display fixed. (Believe to be caused by SFCHKUP). v2.1 01/29/94 Added support for unlimited descriptions. Modified the way files are put in memory. Added hot-keys for External Programs. Alt-F1 through Alt-F10 will run external program on tagged items. External file areas are no longer defined as CD-ROM areas. Text search now begins at highlighted file, and saves search name. Fixed minor bug when deleting files. Displays free memory. All options that use tagged files should now leave the file tagged when the option fails( i.e. Decided not to delete file ). There are now 2 options screens. 'X' switches back and forth between them. All commands work no matter which screen is showing. There just wasn't enough room to put everything on one screen. Screen one has all the major commands. Screen two has the stuff you'll probably only need to see once. You can use a file_id.diz for a file already in the SFFILES.BBS. Just hit 'F'. Edit, Config, and the Area Editor now detects if any changes have been made. If no changes were made, it doesn't ask if you want to save it. (makes sense, doesn't it?) A few cosmetic changes. Added word wrap for file_id.diz. If any of the lines are over 44 characters in length, word wrap is utilized. If not, then the lines are taken as is. That way the pretty boxes in the file_id.diz are not messed up. If file exists while moving or copying, SF-FAM will now show you the filename, date, time, and size of both files, before asking if you want to overwrite. When adding a file, you can select 'd'. SF-FAM will then ask if you want to delete the file. On tagged options, the place in the file area will return to approx. the same place it was before you started. SF-FAM will now add smiley's when required. Great for those .TIC files. SF-FAM now comes only in 286+ version. BIOS scrolling is now the only option available. Took it out of the configuration. If external program begins with colon(:), it will change to the download drive & directory BEFORE running. *HELP is now Alt-H. F1-F10 now run the external programs. On tagged options, ESC will abort the operation. SF-FAM will now use DESC.SDI if a FILE_ID.DIZ is not found. Re-compiled under Borland C++ 3.1. More use of overlays. Put overlays in EMS/extended memory added as option. Added support for .SDN files. Added support for SF 3.5's FA?.TXT. v2.01 01/09/94 Fixed problem with moving tagged files offline.